FBI Criminal Background Checks - Fingerprinting

1. Go To:

2. Enter Code: 1KG6ZJ
Select GO.

3. Select 

4. Fill out Personal Information. 
Select NEXT.

5. Fill out Citizenship Information.
Select NEXT.

6. Select YES or NO for Alias and Address.
Select NO for Authorization Code.
Select NEXT.

7. Fill out Personal Information.
Select NEXT.

8. Fill out Address.
Select NEXT.

9. Choose form of Documentation
Select NEXT.

10. Enter Address and select Search 
Select Use My Location

11. Choose Location and select NEXT

12. Schedule appointment or check Walk In. 

13. Check Information and Appointment Time.

14. Bring Documentation to the location at scheduled time to have your fingerprints scanned.

The Ward will reimburse the payment.

You should receive your certificate in the mail or via email.

Share the certificate with the executive secretary or a member of the Bishopric.